Embrace your femininity!

Femininity is the true bold and fearless female essence of the being. It is to be boldly yourself, being guided by your intuition and allowing yourself to flow with the flow of life, meandering your way through your logical mind.

I find we quite often tend to be “stuck” in this focus, determination and drive without nurturing ourselves along the way. The modern society has integrated us in this way, where the business world seems to have taken us over. We rush, set goals, always striving for more but not allowing ourselves the permission to add our own flare to things, so we hide our creativity, uniqueness and ingenuity for we fear it will not be accepted or fit in within the masculine world around us.

Quite often we perceive being feminine with weakness. But it is quite the opposite. It is a true bold strength once awakened and harnessed. It is ok to ask for help, it is ok to show your emotions and it is definitely ok to follow and trust your heart. Stand up and show up for yourself as no one else will. Why cower from your true self!? You are a woman so embrace it! Utilise it to your advantage and yes in some cases your disadvantage. But on that note always look for the other side for it is there and present in that exact moment. Who cares what anyone else thinks it’s their opinion and doesn’t concern you.

You’ll see that once you embrace this ‘hidden’ feminine side, which is there, you open new doors, new opportunities which otherwise wouldn’t have shown up if you of been “stuck” in the masculine driven side. Everything has two sides which are both to be embraced equally with love and gratitude.

So go out there and be yourself.
Be boldly beautifully you.
Give yourself permission to be uniquely you.
You are perfect just the way you are.
Love is all around as well as within you.
Share your love but ensure you allow room to receive this love to.

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