Fit in… Stand out…
The choice is yours.
Do you find yourself…
Wanting to be anyone other than yourself?
Wanting to be like other people?
Wanting to change yourself to fit in?
Hiding away from who you really are?
Wishing you could be more like someone else?
Questioning why???
Then.. we find ourselves in an endless cycle of repetition, pulling ourselves further and
further down a deep dark hole, spiralling out of control.
Where we become so far and estranged from our own being.
It is as though we completely forget who we truly are.
As though we are treading water to stay afloat while others seem to
be swimming effortlessly around us.
The harsh but honest truth is that at this point our lives can go either way:
We can choose to carry on as we are!
Or we can choose to end that old way of thinking, the distorted perceptions and transform and evolve ourselves back into the real magnificent being that we are!
So what is it going to be? It’s your choice at the end of the day
isn’t it?
Deep inside all of us, we know that we are destined for more, that this isn’t the way our
lives are meant to be and so if we choose to evolve we find a second life force within us and
we can choose to seek alternative ways to bring ourselves back. We can decide to
breakthrough and transform ourselves, but this can only be our choice. We can break out of
our former little bubbles and enter into our extraordinary selves! Then, we can start to see
the world in a whole new way, as though someone has turned on all the lights, all the
colors around us begin to appear brighter and more vibrant. We catch glimpses of what
our lives could be if we only just gave it a chance!A chance to shine, a chance to evolve, instead of moulding and devolving back into our limiting beliefs and perceptions. Our awareness increases and we develop an interest into who we truly are as a person, the person we are destined to be.
The real you! The extraordinary unique YOU!
If we allow ourselves to reconnect and tune into our soul, our essence of being, we begin
asking more and more quality questions to ourselves about ourselves. This is because the
quality of our life depends on the depth of the questions that we ask. If we find that missing
spark and rekindle the fire within us, giving ourselves the permission we deserve to venture
inwards and explore at a much deeper level than before, only then will we find the doors
opening up for us. I will not lie, working on ourselves is tricky, requiring persistent hard work and dedication, but the result one can get during this process is beyond phenomenal!
What used to be a flicker of hope becomes CERTAINTY.
The certainty that:
You are destined for more.
You are destined for an extraordinary life if you give it a chance.
You are perfect just the way you are.
Nothing is missing, it only appears to be missing.
You are to shine your light bright.
You are to stand out and be uniquely you!
You can make a difference in this world.
Go out there and have the courage to pursue your dreams, give yourself permission to stand
out from the crowd, and reveal to the world the true you, the unique you! Once you start living your life as your true self, doors of opportunity open will up for you. Continuous growth and expansion in all areas of your life will unlock a whole new vast potential within!
As you learn to love yourself more and more and have a deeper understanding and
connection with yourself, you will know for certainty you were destined for greatness!
Remember… you are EXTRAORDINARY!
So shine your light bright, spread your love and you
will receive more than you could have ever expected.
With love xx
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